Lemme just get this off my chest cause grinding my teeth brings no relief. There is a horrendous vocab trend afoot. I speak of the saying "I know right?" and it's little brother "right?". (Of course there was nothing wrong with "right?" until it was turned into a shortened version of "you know right?" and given the drastic change in pitch.) I can't take it anymore. It started off slowly and was easy to ignore; being used by horrendous television personalities and the occasional co-worker. But now it is a swollen beast gnashing its teeth at my door and being nourished and egged on by the lowest ends of the pop culture spectrum. It has come to people on the internet abbreviating it to "IKR" and print outs in the work place presenting "I know right?" as a vocabulary word in a dictionary. These people can save their syllables and sound infinitely less moronic by simply saying "I know." or "yes." Oh, and while I'm at it, I hate when people say "really?" as a substitute for "Are you kidding me?". I have no substantial reason to hate that one other than the fact that it just sounds idiotic and condescending.
There is also a lot to be said about "FAIL", "EPIC FAIL" and any form of "____ FAIL", recently made popular by the increasingly horrendous failblog. That shit is horrible. If you are unfamiliar, the blog consists of photos of various mistakes and mishaps that on their own contain a punchline and could maybe get a laugh out of somebody. However, to some garbage people they are not sufficient and require the word "FAIL" or "EPIC FAIL" in order to be escalated into the realm of comedic genius. Here's an example that makes me want to kick something with my bare foot just so I can have a tangible reason to be angry.

Aaaanyway, I know these are petty annoyances and that I am probably guilty of some pretty obnoxious shit, but I am entitled to hate whatever I please. And to be fair, I know some cool people who have adopted these sayings and am coming to terms with their new flaws.